Grumble Grumble

Ever look at other blogs and think, “My life is boring as shit.”

That’s me currently. I have had no sparkle, speck, or fleck of inspiration to write as of late. That’s why the airwaves have been static as of late. In fact, I just realised my inspiration to write this is complete lack of inspiration. Does this open up a wormhole or something??

*rolls eyes at self*

I Bring it on Myself…

-Butthead and I are lounging in bed-

Me: *lunges and snuggles my face in his neck/under chin area* *giggle*

Butthead: Uhm. ‘Kay…. *laughs* *moves me out of my hidey spot and kisses my cheek, then rests his face on mine, my cheek to his forehead*

Me: *slyly sticks out tongue and sticks it to his forehead.* *snort, giggle, giggle*

Butthead: “Huh? Oh… really? That’s how it is huh?” *before I can wiggle free, he pins me and licks my face- chin to forehead… Labrador style.*

Me: “oh! Nooooo! Groooooooosssss! ” *sigh*